Peter Bloom, Ph.D. will be speaking this Thursday to the Culver City Sierra Club, about his dissertation research into the migration habits of red tailed and red shouldered hawks in Southern California. For over 40 years Peter has been studying the raptors of southern California, he will present a talk about migration, natal dispersal patterns, origin and survival.
Debbie Drezner will be introducing the talk and we hope to see you there.
May 14, 2015
Veteran's Memorial Building
4117 Overland Ave.
Culver City Ca, 90230
Chapter two of Peter's dissertation as newly published in the March 2015 issue of the Journal of Raptor Research! Northward Summer Migration of Red-Tailed Hawks Fledged from Southern Latitudes.
Chapter one of Dr. Bloom's dissertation published in 2011, Vagrant Western Red-shouldered Hawks: Origins, Natal Dispersal Patterns, and Survival. The Condor 113: 538-546