Bloom Research Inc. (BRI) aligns scientist and artist to advance the understanding and importance of scientific research and publications toward the conservation of wildlife species and their habitats. In creating a network between the two disciplines, we seek to establish an environment that strengthens the work of both scientist and artist, offering the public a deeper exploration into humanity’s connection with the natural world and its conservation.
This September at the Intermountain Bird Observatory (IBO) - Lucky Peak Field Station in Boise Idaho, the North American Banding Council (NABC) conducted a 3 day training course to certify IBO staff and local affiliates in proper raptor banding techniques. With instruction by BRI's Peter Bloom and raptor banding trainer Greg Kaltenecker (IBO), students completed a written test, studied museum specimens and live captive raptors and worked in the field for 2-3 days with IBO's autumn raptor migration program. The course was observed by Anthony Hill (NABC).
On Wednesday, September 7, the California coastal commissioners rejected the development proposal for Banning Ranch due in part to BRI's Pete Bloom's testimony on the Burrowing Owl and its habitat requirements. We are so excited that the council voted 9-1 this way and are hopeful for the future.
The Newport Banning Ranch project is one of the largest residential developments proposed in Orange County in a number of years. This week the Coastal Commission staff recommended increasing the amount of acreage needed for conservation thanks in part to a letter submitted by BRI's Peter Bloom advocating for more land to be devoted to the Burrowing Owl's wintering habitat. (a state species of special concern ) A good week for conservation!
CAPI artist Marina Moevs featured on the Huffington Post.
Marina Moevs, Flood VI, 2011-12, oil on canvas, 78” x 48”