Scientific COntributers

Peter H. Bloom, Ph.D. 


Peter Bloom has been a professional environmental consultant for more than 40 years, principally in California. He specializes in the environmental sciences, has worked internationally in raptor study and conservation and has extensive knowledge and experience with all terrestrial vertebrate groups (amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals) and the vascular plants in California. He has worked extensively with the Department of Defense, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, California Department of Fish and Game, and various non-profit conservation groups providing valuable research and advice, primarily on raptor ecology and conservation. He has conducted avian and herpetological research in the western United States, Alaska, Peru, Ecuador, and India and has been responsible for a wide variety of biological, ecological, and conservation studies ranging from local biological assessments to regional conservation planning. Dr. Bloom has published more than 30 peer-reviewed scientific papers and technical reports.


Ph.D., Natural Resources, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow

M.S., Biology, California State University, Long Beach

B.S., Zoology, California State University, Long Beach


The Wildlife Society Western Section: Professional of the Year, 2005

Association of Field Ornithologists: Bergstrom Award, 1981

The Nature Conservancy: $27,000 for satellite transmitters, 2004 and 2006


Lifetime member:  The Wildlife SocietyAssociation of Field Ornithologists, Raptor Research Foundation, Cooper Society, Society for Conservation Biology, California Native Plant Society

Peter is also a member of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Ornithologists Union.


Michael Kuehn, Ph.D.

Senior biologist/ vice president

Dr. Michael Kuehn is an avian ecologist with experience conducting field research throughout the Americas from Ecuador to Alaska.  He also has a solid working knowledge of the other terrestrial vertebrate groups (amphibians, reptiles, and mammals), and has taught courses about their ecology and identification at UC-Santa Barbara.  He is familiar with the fauna and flora of coastal California and the Mojave/Sonoran Desert regions. Dr. Kuehn has studied nesting birds for 15 years, principally in California, Nevada, Arizona, Montana, Idaho and Alaska, but also in Ecuador.

Dr. Kuehn has been responsible for a wide variety of biological, ecological, and conservation studies ranging from local biological assessments to studies aimed at understanding specific stressors on regional avian communities. He has designed and conducted numerous avian field studies, and supervised field crews during the implementation of these studies in addition to performing statistical analysis and interpretation of data for report preparation.  


Ph.D., University of California, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, Santa Barbara

B.S., Fisheries and Wildlife Management, Lake Superior State University, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan


Worster Award for Graduate/Undergraduate Collaborative Research, Department Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara ($6000). 2007

Frank M. Chapman Memorial Grant, American Museum of Natural History ($2500). 2007

Student Research Award, Animal Behavior Society ($1000). 2007

Exploration Fund Award, Explorer’s Club ($1200). 2007

Paul A. Stewart Research Award, Wilson Ornithological Society ($500). 2007

Ralph Schreiber Ornithology Research Award, Los Angeles Audubon Society ($2500). 2006

Student Research Award, American Ornithologist’s Union ($1800). 2003

Rebecca Morales, Co Vice-President, CAPI founder

Rebecca Morales in conjunction with Peter Bloom are the creators and founders of BRI. Married since 1997, Ms. Morales and Dr. Bloom have worked together to develop BBI (Bloom Biological Inc.) a for profit company into what it is today. Now they have focused their intentions to BRI, a non profit company set up to provide structure and support necessary for biologists and their field work. In conjunction, Rebecca has begun the Consilience; Artist Presentation Initiative as a way to open up the dialogue between the arts and sciences and present biologists and scientists an alternative way to see how their work has an impact in how we see the world.



Ashley Macomber - Artist

Ashley Macomber is a volunteer at BRI, organizing and planning the Consilience: Artist Presentation Initiative (CAPI) fundraising events that happen annually. She is responsible for the web design and social media as well at BRI.  Being an artist herself, she is able to understand how to put the nuts and bolts together to promote BRI and the amazing artists included in CAPI.